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2020, Developing a personal style

After the introduction and the learning of traditional chinese technycs as well as ink, and get known rice and silk paper, Valero start to develope new ways of introducing the tradition to the contemporanity. History of chinese art fascinates her, and druing the year an amount of artworks and creativity flows on her mind.

Dinner at Banqiao

January, 2020


Dinner at Banqiao, 2020. Acrilyc and ink painting on wood and rice paper.

After the introduction and the learning of traditional chinese technycs as well as ink, and get known rice and silk paper, Valero start to develope new ways of introducing the tradition to the contemporanity. History of chinese art fascinates her, and during the year an amount of artworks and creativity flows on her mind.

Cijin island fishermans

January, 2020

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Cijin island fishermans, 2020. Acrilyc and ink painting on wood,

Kaohsiung is a big city ubicated at the south of Taiwan., its is known for its skycrapers and street night markets, among others. The city has the peculiarity of owning an island called Cijin, you can get there getting a ship cheap ticket. The beautinesse of the island is the heart of the fishing activty. Magical places where people interacts with nature and unbelievable colours while sunset time. The artist combines the ink with the acrilyc as a one and unique material, which creates this detailed artwork.

The wheelchair club

Fabruary, 2020

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The wheelchair club, 2020. Acrilyc and ink on wood,

This artwork is also inspired on Kaohsiung city, on a rest area next to the Dragon and tiguer pagodas. It's funny how people treats their pets, mostly dogs and cats, they are brought into trolleys. The image of the animals creates a contrast with the injured old people who needs to be moved around on their wheelchairs. Both aspects make us think abouth how are we treating our elders and if they recieve what they have gave us during our childhood.

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