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2019, a year plenty of changes.

During her third year at university, Angela Valero won an scolarship and rolled into an international exchange program called: PROMOE. The half year experience increased her knowledge in both, traditional chinese arts and also her skills in chinese language. The experience developed her TFG (graduating project), and here is the result:


May, 2019

vTWN impressions, Acrilyc and INK on can

TWN IMPRESSIONS, 2019. Acrilyc, chinese ink and pencil on canvas.

Her first painting, done on a small and shared bedroom in the female students dormitory at the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA). After a while, the artist wanted to experiment and show her first ''impressions'' of the country on a funny collage painting. It is divided in two canvas, which create a rich in colour and sensibility diptyc. Valero invites you to get known some characteristyc aspects from taiwanese daily life. Motorcicle traffic or the beutiness of their flowers, are some of the topycs which shares space on the canvas. This is the beggning of the ink and acrilyc painting mix at her artwork.

The distraction of the students

October, 2019


The distraction of the students, 2019. Acrilyc and chinese INK on paperboard


Joining the Heavy Colour painting subject at NTUA made her to take pictures of teacher's creations. 陈時候 is a known teacher and artist specialized on traditional chinese technics and on character topic. Character topyc is one of the main topics on chinese history of art. The difference on the way of teaching is absolutely different from spanish universities. Teacher shows how to paint and draw to the students, then at the end of the class or during the breaks, you can show him your own artworks and recieve some advisement from him. But something caught the attention of the artists, most part of the students seemed distracted while the lessons, some of the even ate and texted on her phones. Something that make her feel sorry for the teacher and awesomed because of the situation. This is why Angela decides to inmortalized the peculiarity of the atmosphere at the artwork.

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